Monday, March 19, 2012

Frank (3/19): RTS, Volume 1, Bench

10x45, 10x95, 5x135, 5x185, 3x225
4x265 @ 10
3x265 @ 10
4x245 @ 8+
4x245 @ 8+
4x245 @ 9
4x255 @ 9
I moved my grip in a bit for everything up until the first working set (pinkies on rings instead of ring finger on rings). It felt a little unnatural. Benching overall felt completely awful, and I knew I wouldn't be able to finish my second set, so I bumped everything down a bit, then back up. My last set was my best by far, so I'll chalk up today's performance to a lack of focus.

Cable Row: 3x8 @ 200
Dumbbell Incline Bench: 3x8 @ 85
Pec Deck: 3x10 @ 120
Dumbbell Curl: 2x6 @ 50

Then I went to the track and did some conditioning. Most of the articles I've read about conditioning for powerlifting basically say to (1) not go too hard, (2) do it 2 to 3 times per week, and (3) never before a squat or deadlift day. For now, I'm basically flying blind, though, so any advice would be appreciated. Today was intervals, which for me was alternating between 200m at a walk and 200m at a fast amble, four times.

Intervals: 4x200+200 (no idea how to log this)

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