Sunday, March 18, 2012

About Prowlers

So I was looking on Craigslist to see if I could find a cheap used Prowler and stumbled on this:

The dude makes it himself, apparently, and it looks pretty solid based on the photo. The downside is that he's in Connecticut (Griswold, CT, to be exact), which is about an hour and a half drive away. If I can grab a ride from someone, I think it'd be worth heading down there to check it out since it's cheap enough, including gas, that we could get two for the same price as one from Elite. Let me know what you guys think.


  1. FYI I own a pickup truck, so if you need to haul it back let me know. My schedule is currently a little crazy as we are mid-season (and traveling to a few different states in the next 2 weeks for tournaments), but if anything I can let you borrow it.

  2. While I have a license, I haven't driven in so long that I wouldn't feel comfortable borrowing somebody else's car, especially a pickup. I think I'll probably just order from Elite instead. A good Prowler should last a lifetime, and while I'm sure this guy's metalwork is solid, it's nice to have a reputable brand to back up the design and construction.

  3. Pay attention to elitefts, they occasionally have prowler sales, like recently.
