Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MIT Strength Leaderboard

This was an idea bandied about before but never acted on. I've created a Google Docs spreadsheet that includes the best lift of all the folks who train here. If you want to be included, comment below with your name and best lifts. Please look at the spreadsheet for the proper format.

Also, to keep people honest, all gym lifts must have at least one "veteran" witness who is not the lifter, "veteran" defined as someone who has competed before. As of right now, that list is rather lengthy, including off the top of my head: me, JC, Andreii, Rene, Nathan, Dee, Brian, Shanker, Gordon, Jason, Sheng, Xiao, Michael, and probably many others that I've forgotten.

EDIT: 1-rep maxes only. I want the lifts to be comparable across lifters.

Also, I've just decided that anyone who's competed in the past or whose lifts I remember is going on the list, whether you like it or not.


  1. Garrett Frampton
    All lifts in the gym in the past 12 months.
    Squat 325lb, with belt, noone was there to check depth, but I usually squat deep enough.
    Bench 240lb, with wrist wraps, I've done 250, but this is probably the best I could expect with a 1 second pause.
    Deadlift 425lb, with belt.
    Snatch 60kg
    Clean 85kg
    Press 165lb, with wrist wraps, strict form.

  2. also my pull in the meet was 485, not 441. Was weak, but not THAT weak.

  3. Expect changes in my weight class.

  4. Deadlift @ 455. I think frank witnessed it.

  5. My best lifts are 420/225/480...

  6. Gym best: 130 bench, 302 deadlift.
