Monday, October 4, 2010

Aaron (10/4)

Overhead Press: 155lbs x3 reps x3 sets @10
Ab roll-outs: half standing x5 reps x4 reps, from knees x5 reps @10
Paused Bench: 185lbs x5 reps, 175lbs x5 reps, 180lbs x5 reps @9
Paused Lateral Raises: 15lb DBs x8 reps x3 sets @8
Rotator cuff stuff & light grip work
weight was 203lbs with clothes on after training, so I'm still probably a flat 200lbs with water in me.

height was measured yesterday. I'm about 0.5" shorter than my friend who says he is 6', but I told him he was 6' +0.5". Either way I'm taller than 5'11", but not 6'2".

School has been rough, I haven't been able to stretch, but I've been getting enough sleep so I'm sort of okay. Grips on the bar have been the same, pinkies on rings for OP, ring on rings for bench. Intensity was high, but manageable. Rest was about 3min in between sets for the two big things, 60s-90s for the smaller stuff.

OP was okay, I jerked it overhead to start with instead of starting form a dead stop, that definitely made this easier than it could have been. Last time was 155lbs x4, 155lbs x0. Abs were hard, but I'm getting better at them.

Bench was okay. Lateral raises were surprising, its really hard to pause them at the top. My shoulders sort of ached. I'll just shoot for more reps next time to get used to the stress. The pause is just to vary the movement, and give me whatever I lack from doing not so strict form. In the next cycle, I'll use momentum to give me whatever benefits come with momentum. Ta-da.

Chronicles from school: people in my lab took note that I brought and ate two "super" burritos. Comments such as "thats a lot of burritos" from acquaintances, and "fat-ass" from friends.

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