Monday, October 4, 2010

Chris - 10/4

Shit I've been up to lately:

9/30: Off
Exactly what it sounds like. I moped around because my elbow was still giving me shit. Bought a compression bandage, and it seemed to help.

10/1: Sprints
1 mile warmup (treadmill)
Static hamstring/hip flexor stretches
2x~25m skipping
2x~25m high-knee jogging
5x50m sprints
3x8 chinups
3x8 pushups
Busywork. I really don't want to consider this real training...

10/2: Snatches
55x3; 75x3; 95x3; 115x3; 135x2; 135x2; 135x2
Probably really dumb of me to do them with my elbow as it is, but I needed to do something. I also adopted a narrower snatch grip than I could have used, which made the last few come dangerously close to failure.
I also tore a callus, created a blister under a different callus, scraped my shins, and split my middle finger open during all this.

10/4: More sprints
1 mile warmup (treadmill)
Static hamstring/hip flexor stretches
2x~25m skipping
2x~25m high-knee jogging
3x30m; 3x50m; 1x~85m; 1x~100m
Almost puked, waited for stomach to settle
Chinups: 10; 10; 7
Pushups: 10; 10; 7
MORE busywork. Minimal to no elbow pain.

I'll try a reduced volume day tomorrow (3x5s) and see what happens, but I'm still very wary.