Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Frank (3/14): A Pathetic Attempt at Cardio

Squat: 5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x275, 5x315, 5x315
Deadlift: 5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 5x365, 5x405, 5x405
Ab Rollout: 2x5

I then went to the indoor track where I ran into the Community Running group, who seem to have a pretty good thing going. I couldn't find the Prowler, but since I was already there, I decided to do a little jogging, which lead to:

Jogging: 800m (4 laps around, and I think the indoor track is 200m).

This is about 790m farther than I've run in at least a year, and after this, my lower back was starting to develop a vicious pump, and my calves were cramping. Quite sad. I'm not sure how I'm going to work on my conditioning going forward. A Prowler would be ideal, but I might do weighted carries or LIIT instead. Or maybe I'll just keep jogging.


  1. If the prowler does live at Johnson/MIT and we find it, holy shit I can prowl inside after 10pm.

  2. I would also join in on this prowling business.

  3. Hey Dorian here from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. I am starting a Strength Club for weightlifting in my school and was wondering if I can talk with the president of your organization for some advice and perhaps cooperation.

    Please add me on facebook:


  4. I could get down for some horizontal-pushing

  5. I think Shanker said he left his Prowler here, but he might have taken it, or it might have gotten moved. Since it looks like enough people are interested, if we still can't find it, I'll just get a new one.

    Dorian, I'll defer to Jancarlo (JC) on that one, since he's the person who officially started the club. If you're referring to this site, it's really just a bunch of friends who decided to start a blog and isn't anything official. I'd be happy to help answer any specific questions though. Email me at

  6. If we get a new prowler, where should we keep in at/in/near Johnson/the Z? I wonder if we can convince the staff to let us keep it in the weight area in Johnson that locks up.

  7. Shanker found a pretty good place to hide it, which I can show you the next time you're there. Unfortunately, he's going to take the Prowler back to NYC this weekend, but that just means I'll have to buy one of my own, which is no big deal.

  8. I doubt someone is going to steal the prowler. Also, if you get $10 from everyone who wants to use it regularly, then you won't be so attached to it.

    Now that were a club, maybe the gym could be compelled to give us some space.

  9. Eh, I'm not smitten with the fee idea, especially after reading about the Israeli daycare in Freakonomics ( In any case, if I ever leave Boston, I think I'll want to take it with me. I willing to bank on the honor code working in this case, especially if there's always someone I know overseeing its use.

  10. No, not a fee you capitalist. I'm talking about more of a socialist collective.
