Monday, May 9, 2011

Frank (5/9): Sheiko CMS/MS Prep 1, Week 1, Day 1

I will be using my meet PRs as my maxes, so 452/287/628. I think I will start with CMS/MS Prep 1 and move through 2, 3, 4, and Comp progressively, since that seems to go roughly in order of increasing volume. I will record RPEs for the top sets for all lifts just to gauge how I'm doing and how much to bump my maxes from month to month. Some rounding will occur as well.

5x45, 5x135, 5x185
5x225, 4x275, 4x275, 3x315, 3x315
2x365 @ 8
2x365 @ 8
2x365 @ 8
2x365 @ 8
2x365 @ 8
Considering I've done 5x5 @ 365 before, this was pretty trivial. I did try to keep strict form, though, so no good morninging.

5x45, 5x95
5x145, 4x175, 3x200, 3x200
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
Again, trivial.

Dumbbell Fly: 5x10 @ 30

5x225, 5x275
4x315 @ 8
4x315 @ 8
4x315 @ 8
4x315 @ 8
4x315 @ 8
I fear that I will become too repetitive.

Ab Rollout: 6, 6, 7
I'll work up to sets of 10 on these.

In and out in less than 1.5 hours. My schedule for the next two weeks is going to be a bit odd since I have some major deadlines looming for work that I don't fully control, so I'm just going to come in when I can.


  1. I had posted that your total was way too low for MS / CMS, but I thought you were doing MSIC / MS. My bad.

    Anyway, don't adjust your training max until you have completed a cycle. Sheiko really wears on you.


    And I agree. It might seem trivial or easy in the beginning, but the program is set up to wear on you over time. Definitely don't adjust training max mid cycle.

  3. Yes, I know. Squatting or deadlifting 4x per week and benching 3x per week is bound to grind me down -- sort of like how the first week of Smolov was just fine.

    I was under the impression that each "cycle" of Sheiko was 4 weeks (1 month) though, given how the spreadsheet was set up, which is why I mentioned the bump from month to month. Is that wrong? Should I bump once every two months? What is a "cycle" for Sheiko?

    I'm in no rush, really. I just want to hit Elite before end of year. Given how Rene recommended I adjust maxes -- +6.5 per cycle, or equivalently, roughly +5 to 80% sets -- that should happen in 2 or 3 cycles anyway. I might bump it a little more aggressively (by a few pounds) the first time around so that I'm working with nice round numbers.
