Monday, April 25, 2011

Garrett 4/17 - 4/23

4/17 Z Center
Deadlift: 1x365,405,425(PR) 2x2x315
Bench Press: 1x235,245 4x220(PR) 6x205 8x185 10x155 12x135
One arm dumbell deadlift: 80lb 5,5,10 reps
Wide grip pull up: 36 reps in 6 sets

4/18 2 mile jog + 4x~60 yards sprints

4/19 Z-Center 6-7pm
Back Squat (belt): 5x225,235,245,255,265 3x295
Barbell Row: 2x8x40kg, 3x8x45kg, 3x8x50kg, 8x60kg 10x50kg

4/21 Z-Center 5-6:30pm
Overhead Press: 7x8x85 10x85 (8x8x85=PR)
Deadlift: 3x5x225
Deficit deadlift: 4x5x225
L neutral grip chin-up: 54 in 8 sets (PR)

+1 softball and 3 bike trips to work

PRs this week:
Deadlift 1x425
Bench Press: 4x220
Overhead Press 8x8x85

bodyweight 162

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