Saturday, February 12, 2011

sheng(2/12) meet result

Since this is my first meet, I started all the attempt relatively conservative, even lower than I planed.
Squat: 175kg, 192.5kg, 197.5kg(PR+2.5kg)
Bench: 130kg, 142.5kg, 150kg (F)
deadlift: 225kg, 245kg, 252.5kg
total: 592.5kg
weight class: 82.5kg
I am pretty satisfied with my squat, I went on as I expected. If I knew the record is 200kg, I might try a fourth attempt. For bench, I was still not get use to the pause at the bottom, and my last attempt the pause seemed to be pretty long. I have already lowered my third attempt to 150kg but still failed, I guess this might also due to my max out last Tuesday, anyway a lesson learned. For deadlift I was afraid of hitching, so my last attempt was lower than it should be. Generally speaking, my first meet went well, it was a great experience.


  1. Sheng keeps me from becoming complacent. He left way more in the tank than I did.

  2. You guys both did awesome, as expected. Watching both of you is very inspiring.

  3. Awesome job Sheng! Very impressive lifting =)
