Sunday, February 6, 2011

Keone 2/4 and 2/5

I've been having problems with bicep tendonitis (I think) from squatting. I recently switched grips because my old grip was really bad and involved bending my wrists back a lot, and it was also not very stable. My new grip is about as wide as can be, with my shoulders pulled back more, wrists forced straight, and thumbs on the same side as the rest of my fingers. The new grip seems a lot more robust and more proper, but it makes my biceps hurt like no other.

So on Friday I went to the gym intending to test my maxes, but I ended up in so much bicep pain from squatting that I had to stop.

On Saturday I went again, since I'd already said I'd be there (and I needed to learn the commands anyway). Maybe not the best move, but whatever. Started squatting again, and same thing.

I iced it and did some bro curls (heh) and that seemed to ease the pain. Bench was still shitty. After about an hour, the pain had eased enough to deadlift, so now I have a 1RM PR there.

365x1x3 (PR) (repeated the single two more times to build mental confidence)
335x5x2 (these seemed a lot easier afterward)

I will be disciplined about stretching in the future, and I will try to adjust the grip some more. I'm also gonna get some neoprene sleeves to see if they help. In the very least they'll help me mentally go into Frank mode. This seems to have some helpful suggestions, and I'll do some more internet reading as well.


  1. Do you have a profile at I ask because I check that forum frequently.

  2. If its that bad...scoot on over to MIT medical and see a real doctor. DON"T GO TO FORUMS FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. It's crap...all of it, and you have no idea what you can trust, what's applicable to you, etc...etc... It's a huge waste of time, self diagnosis is almost ALWAYS wrong.

  3. I'm not sure what "Frank mode" is, but I'm flattered regardless :).

    While I do agree with the most part to going to see a doctor if you think something's "wrong," I do think it's possible to overdo the "I'm a special little flower" train of thought. Besides, there are enough common ailments among lifters that it makes sense to at least initially look to them for advice.

    The list you linked to seems pretty sensible. I also suspect that there's something that all of us need to work on with respect to squat form since something that plagues me, you, Chris, Shanker, and probably others has got to indicate something wrong with our squat technique.

  4. Thank you Frank. Well, this special little flower thought he had "biceps tendinitis" until he saw a legit sports orthopedist who diagnosed it (correctly) as radial nerve entrapment.

    2-3 months prior to going to doctor: Excruciating pain.
    1 month after with proper treatment and rehab: Pain gone.

    But hey, if you feel like trusting a bunch of meatheads you dont know, you cant see, whos histories you dont understand, thats your prerogative. Good luck with that.

    In the mean time I'd ask you you actually know what the problem in your elbow is? Because the first step in solving a problem is identifying it, and neither you, nor me, nor Keone nor Joe Ironhead is qualified enough to tell you definitively.

    As for me, I know what my problems are and I'm addressing them so that hopefully, they wont turn into recurring problems. Seems a lot better than just taking shots in the dark.

  5. Heh I didn't mean to start a flamewar.

    @Shanker: Okay, i'll try to schedule something in if this persists. Can't hurt. Good thing I got the extended insurance plan from MIT. :) Did you get referred to an orthopedist from MIT medical? I don't really trust them, so the main reason to go see them would be for a referral, since I assume I can't just schedule an appointment and expect it to be fully covered.

    In the meantime, stretching is helping. Hopefully this won't be necessary.

    @Aaron, no I don't have an account. Just googling. The only forum I frequent (right now) is

  6. I think we are relatively well qualified to diagnose and treat many of our injuries. That said, additional help from trained professionals might be very helpful. This is clearly not a black and white issue.

    I have never experienced this pain. I figure it might be something that results from the crushing pressure of having 300 pounds on your shoulders. Just because your legs can squat it doesn't mean you are strong enough to go 5x5. Perhaps you would be best backing off heavy sets of squats for 1-2 months until you figure out what is causing your pain and work to fix the mobility problems or support muscle muscule weakness that are causing your problem.

  7. Anytime, Shanker :D.

    Don't worry about it, Keone. We all have our own personalities, some a little more so than others. Going to see a doctor is the prudent thing to do.

    Also, I'm not sure what "this" refers to, but definitely keep up the stretching even after the problem goes away. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing serious.

  8. I definitely agree with Garrett on this not being black and white. I mean, if we all use roughly the same technique, and we all get the same problem, and some of us find that some things help, then I do think that *maybe* there might be something going onn. Plus, if we don't work together to solve what caused the problem in the first place, it's likely going to come back even after rehabbing.

    The caution about forums is prudent, but I do think that the forums linked (ironaddicts, wannabebig, powerandbulk, startingstrength, but only for Rippetoe) are pretty high quality. You do want to hang around long enough to know who to trust on the forums, though, but generally once you know who the "Big Men" are and who they respect, you'll have a good handle on who to listen to. Of course, take all advice with a grain of salt (even, perhaps especially, mine). But why do I even need to say that? We're not 10 years old...
