Sunday, February 6, 2011

Garrett 1/30 to 2/5

Felt like shit again at the beginning of this week.  Seems like it was bacterial gastroenteritis, a stomach bug.  No dairy or meat for me most of this week, but feeling pretty much back to normal on Thursday.  Lost a few pounds.

Little Gym 4-5pm
Did back squats, overhead press, chin-ups, dips, and deadlifts.  Everything was light, but I got a good sweat going.  I didn't write down my workout

Z-center 4-6pm
DL (kg, belt>150): 10x40,40,60 5x80,100,110 3x120,130,140 1x150,160,170,175,180 2x170
BP: 15x45,45 10x95,95 5x135 3x155,175,195,215 1x225,230 8x185
NGCU: 3,5,7,7
WGPU: 3,4,6,6
DBROW: 10x30,40,50,60
OADBBP 10x50,60
Tried to do some cleans, but something was hurting in my left arm on the pull.  Probably no big deal, but decided to stop the cleans.
BW: 161

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