Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Frank (2/9): Deload

Last training session before the meet.

Back Squat: 5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x275, 5x315
Bench Press: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225
Deadlift: 5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 5x365, 5x405


  1. I'm excited to someday do 405x5 for a deadlift deload.

  2. I'm excited to someday do 405x1.

  3. Hah, thanks. You guys will be there soon enough, but you actually have to train consistently :D (this is mostly aimed at Q).

  4. Frank, can you suggest a good deadlift program? I am still making progress training to failure on the bench, but training to failure on the deadlift is clearly too much for me.

  5. Training to failure on deadlifts is a recipe for disaster (or at least over-fatigue) unless you're still a rank novice. However, I'm not terribly sophisticated in terms of deadlift training since my deadlift seems to do well no matter what I do. Still, my history on the blog has taken me from an upper-400s deadlift to 617 and change, so feel free to just page through my old programs.

    To summarize, I think that what's worked best for me has been something like this:
    * Pull heavy once per week. Use the other day for light-ish assistance work (still heavy, but not so heavy that you're grinding out reps).
    * Be sure to do both volume as well as intensity. I've generally done something like the following:
    - Volume 1: 5x5 @ 80%
    - Volume 2: 6x4 @ 85%
    - Volume 3: 6x3 @ 85%
    - Intensity 1: 3x3 @ 90%
    - Intensity 2: 4x2 @ 90%
    - Intensity 3: Max (100% or more)
    - Deload
    * Honestly, I think the key to deadlifts is to pull fairly regularly at high intensity (% of max). Make sure that your technique is dialed in, though, since if it's not, you're just going to injure yourself.

    However, I'm intending to change this up quite a bit as my deadlift has stalled somewhat over the past few months. I do think that something like the above will be able to take your deadlift from a low 400s to 500 or so, though.
