Friday, January 21, 2011

Shanker 5/3/1 Week 1 Bench Press

was gonna procrastinate this til I finished the week, but I'm bored and have scar symmetry blasting right now, so what the hell...

Elbow sleeves came in, wore them the whole time, I'll keep them on for Bench and Squat days for this cycle and see where I'm at after.

Bench Press
This was a pretty easy rep PR, by at least 2... after a month of doing jack shit and on a bum elbow. So apparently the sleeves give me a pretty good pop.

DB Rows

core shit.

In other news, I'm not going to push my prowler for a little while, concerns about stressing the elbow too I bought a harness. Works pretty well. As for the meet, I'm not doing it. I'll come, be a cheerleader, etc to those who are doing it. As long as I have a chance to put up a pretty damn good total as a junior (before March of 2012) I'm happy, no need to rush things. Honestly, at this point my goal is  simply getting big enough and strong enough to be able to train with Danny this summer.


  1. Dude, I can't wait to train with Danny (how big do you have to be? lol)! Do you lift today btw? I couldn't make it to the Z last night cuz I came into Boston late yesterday.

  2. Heh, I'm pretty sure Shanker's joking about being "strong enough" to train with Danny since Danny is (1) not too picky about who he trains with and (2) stronger than Shanker (or anyone else here) will likely be come June.

  3. Was joking...or something like that...
