Friday, January 7, 2011

Frank (1/7): Everything

I'm in Manhattan, and rather than pay the rather exorbitant day pass fees for the gyms here, I decided to just do everything in one session instead.

Back Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
5x350 @ 8/9
5x350 @ 8/9
5x350 @ 8/9

Bench Press
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 3x225
5x250 @ 9
5x250 @ 9
5x250 @ 9

5x155, 5x225 5x315, 3x365, 3x405
5x465 @ 9
5x465 @ 9
5x465 @ 9
The stupid bar had absolutely no knurling.

Military Press
5x45, 5x95, 3x135
5x165 @ 9
5x165 @ 9
5x165 @ 10
With this and bench, I should have jumped by 2.5 instead of 5, but there were no heavy collars. Whatever.

Pullups: 4x8 @ 45
Ab Rollout: 3x3

In other news, I managed to break a mirror while deloading the bar from squats. Oops.


  1. yknow at most of the powerlifting gyms in manhattan they dont charge you for a trial run. theres on place i used on the upper east side around 84th st and then theres another one on 19th.

  2. Which one is the one on the upper east side? My brother lives at 80th and York, and that would be perfect.

    By powerlifting gym, do you mean a place that is powerlifting-friendly (in that they actually have a power rack) or one that actually has people who train and compete in powerlifting?

    They are "powerlifting friendly" but they don't let you use chalk. I dunno, when I went there it was brand new and they were a bit anal about keeping clean, maybe they've loosened up since then. But theyve got chains and shit.

  4. and there are definitely 1 or 2 people there who were or are powerlifters. everyone else is semi serious about other stuff. But its still a hell of a lot better than equinox of nycs or any of the other hoity toity health club crap in manhattan.
