Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chris - 5/3/1 Cycle 3, Week C - Bench/Deadlift

Bench Press (1/21):
Bench Press:
45x5; 75x5; 95x5; 110x3
My shoulder hurt coming in, so it was a wonder I made it to 8.

Military Press (assistance):
50x5; 65x5; 75x3
95x5; 105x3; 120x3

Bench Press (assistance):
145x6; 145x6; 145x6; 145x6
Nothing difficult.

Dumbbell Rows (left and right arm):
95x15; 95x15
Chalk made these eaaaasy.

Dips (unweighted):
15; 15
I am a believer in variety!

Deadlift (1/22):
Deadlift (belted):
160x5; 205x5; 245x3
I might have had one more in me? I just kinda let go of the bar after five.

Deadlift (belted, assistance):
365x3; 365x3; 365x3
Faster than my squat triples at 315. Still not fast enough.

Front Squat:
45x5; 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3
185x8; 185x6; 135x10
MY FORM IS SO BAD. Bar keeps slipping down my chest, which means I'm not racking it well.

I'll post my thoughts on this cycle sometime next week.


  1. Why so much pressing on 1/21?

    What are your thought about getting volume evenly over several workout or concentrated in one workout?

  2. Are you going to do the meet on Feb 12?

  3. @Garrett: I added my 5/3/1 bench work to the military press day (and vice versa) because I think it resolves one of the most common complaints of the 5/3/1 program, which is a lack of upper body work. I would have stuck in more upper body work after a while anyway because I feel these workouts are kinda lacking as-is.

    @Frank: I'm not sure! I know time is running out rather quickly, but lifting, as I discovered, often tends to take a backseat to schoolwork, and this term is looking pretty bad for me. Then again, the meet is ten days in. Also don't I need a singlet and some other gear for these meets?
