Saturday, January 1, 2011


2-board press: 235lbs x3, 245lbs x3 reps x2 sets
Belted Push Jerk: 185lbs x1, 205lbs x2
thumbless BB curls 95lbs x5 reps x2 sets
Reverse curls: 70lbs x5 reps x2 sets
Paused DB bench: 45lb DBs x10 reps, 60lb DBs x10
rotator cuff stuff

Belted Deadlift: 475lbs x3
Stiff deads: 315lbs x8, x4
Front squats: 135lbs x10, 185lbs x6
DB rows: 140lbs x4, 95lbs x5
Pull-ups: 10, 6, 6

Belted PL squat: 365lbs x3 reps x2 sets
Un belted oly squat: 225lbs x10
medium grip bench: 225lbs x3 reps x3 sets
DB row: 130lbs x3 reps x2 sets, x5 reps

Push Press/strict press: 135lbs x3-5 reps x3 sets
super set with
Pull-ups: 10,7ish, 4ish

The last workouts over Christmas break at home. I lifted sporadically and mostly did a lot of conditioning in the form of circuits, walking, and burpees because most of the time I didn't have a ride to the gym. Lots of this stuff is a PR.

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