Saturday, January 1, 2011


I'm not much of a New Year's Resolutioner (mainly because I think it's pretty silly to wait until a new year to set a goal), but now's as good a time as any to discuss this. Plus, I sometimes get the feeling that not everyone here has goals they're working toward, and this will hopefully help them get a little bit of structure.

This is mainly about lifting related/athletic goals, but feel free to add other stuff if you want.

Mine are simple: hit Elite (1396) at 181 at a meet this year. Go to at least three meets.


  1. My main goal is to go to atleast one meet, and I'd like to start by attending the Feb. 12 meet (even if my squat/deadlift are going to blow). Other than that, just to keep getting stronger (I'd like to press 225 for example) and keeping myself from getting injured (ankle/shoulder injuries in 2010).

  2. Good stuff. The Feb 12 meet is definitely a good idea. It's a well run meet, and I think a bunch of us will be going.
