Monday, December 20, 2010

Frank (12/20): Lockout, Intensity 2

I very unwisely tried to bike to and from the Z today, which resulted in me wiping out twice (quite spectacularly, if I may say so myself). Hopefully, the week off will mean that the slight wonkiness in my left elbow and hip will have healed by then.

Reverse Band Bench (20-75)
5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 1x315
2x365 @ 10
2x365 @ 10
The second double looked a lot easier than the first, apparently, but I still decided to cut it short.

Close-Grip Bench
2x280 @ 9/10
2x280 @ 9/10
2x280 @ 9/10
Same as above. Strange.

Pullups: 4x8 @ 50
Dips: 4x8 @ 90
Dumbbell Preacher Curl: 2x5 @ 50

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