Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20 Shanker Prowling Awesomeness

Had to do this without my partner in crime...
Prowled on the indoor track for the first time, by far the most difficult surface to prowl on that I've tried. Given that its a rubber surface I suppose that's to be expected, it's more or less like trying to push the damn thing through molasses.

The pattern for each trip went as follows,
sprint one way, 45 second break, sprint back, writhe on floor in pain, get up, repeat.

3 round trips of 30 yards with no weight.
3 round trips of 30 yards with 90 lbs.
3 round trips of 30 yards with 140 lbs.
4 round trips of 30 yards with 90 lbs.
1 round trip of 30 yards with no weight.

I'm still riding the high from this 3 hours later...feel amaaaazing


  1. I always like answering questions with questions...
    Do you think I'd load up a prowler with 140 lbs without checking to make sure it didn't fuck anything up?

  2. I think the feet on most prowler-type equipment are little smooth sled feet, so unless the specific friction betwee the surface and the feet is high, I'd say the prowler is safe to push on most surfaces.

  3. I always like to answer questions with stories.

    Remember that time you punted a gallon of water into the z-center window, or the time you squirted a tube of icy-hot on the floor next to the racks?

    Glad to hear you checked, though.

  4. Touche with the water, I was trying to set you up with that one.

    All kidding aside I have always taken keeping this place as nice and pristine as possible very seriously. It's why every night I go over as many weights as possible with a wet rag to clean up chalk residue left througout the day. Y'all should do the same, dont take it for granted that they let us pull some of the shit we do. Too many times I see messes that I know come from some of us.

  5. But, yea, also a tad annoying when the comment has nothing to do with what was accomplished in the post.

  6. ...particularly when I invite everyone to prowl with me and all I get is the cold shoulder and disinterest. But whatever, more for me!

  7. Dude, Justin and I both want to push the prowler. I greatly underestimated cardio work before, and I'm not going to do it again.

    The thing is, even if we find a common time to push it, if more than around 3 guys show up, I don't see how we can get train productively if one guy pushes and then rests for 5min while the other guys finish. Also, I for one would like these cardio work outs to be short and last at most one hour, this doesn't sound like an hour.

    Justin and I used to pull the sled around mem drive. That took 30min-60min, just the two of us, a couple plates and the little sled.

    Maybe the others have similar reasons.
