Friday, October 1, 2010

Shanker: 5-3-1 Training Max

Why? Because I want a change, and I'd like to be done with my workouts in less than the 2-2.5 hours it usually takes me.

So, at Danny's suggestion I have been testing triples.
So far...
145x3 @ 9
155x3 F

5-3-1 training max: 165

480x3 @9
495x3F The 2nd rep started out waay too far forward, I still locked it out, but my leverage was shot for the third.
As far as a training max, depending on which scale/formula you use my training max is anywhere from 525-540. Keep in mind that Wendler takes 90% of the training max, so these estimates are plenty conservative.

5-3-1 Training max: 530

Squat and BP, but if I had to guess I would say 365 and 270.

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