Friday, October 1, 2010

Aaron (10/1)

Belted Deadlift: 390lbs x5 reps x3 sets
Wide-ish Chin-ups: 45lbs x3, 55lbs x3, 65lbs x3
plate pinches: 3 5kg plates x3 sets of 15s
paused Oly squat (non-belted): 185bls x5 reps x3 sets
DB Rows: 100lbs x8 reps x3 sets

Deads were surprisingly not hard. The only thing wrong was my grip was failing, it was a combo of dbl overhand and hook grips. Definitely go up +5lbs next time. Chins were great! I finally widened my grip enough, and even attempted some wide grips that previously hurt my shoulders and they were pain free! Definitely going for 70+lbs next time, wide grip. Squats were easy too. I could've done more weight. I think I'm actually going to add weight to these progressively too, we'll see what happens. Plate pinches were really bad (weak), I think its from not doing these enough since my grip is still as strong as ever (as evident by my dbl overhand deads). I need to work on plate pinches again. DB rows were the only hard exercise. I think I'll stick to eight reps for now, but next time I'll focus on not setting the weight down between reps (constant tension) and try to clean these up. The whole time I was grinding reps I was thinking "f**k f**k f**k."

Good session. Going to up the intensity on upper body days to 3x5s as opposed to 3x8s. Just switching things up. Going to do paused benches to limit intensity. OP doesn't need regulating since it isn't that demanding.


  1. setting the weight down for DB rows makes zero sense to me. This is like doing DB Press singles...I don't see the point.

  2. Well, its kind of like deadlifts. I don't know what setting it down versus constant tension does, but this time around I'm going to focus on clean form and constant tension.
