Friday, October 22, 2010

JC (10/22)- Bench

Built up to 275x8 (this was on a whim, and after warming up with 275x3)

Super close grip bench (hands 4" from each other)-

Will begin 5/3/1 this upcoming Monday.
Lifting days/routines are as follows:
Monday- Bench Day
531 Bench
Rack lockouts - 5x10
Dumbbell Rows- 5x10
I feel getting that extra lockout strength is helpful for me.

Wednesday- Squat Day
531 Squat
Not sure what assistance to pick- suggestions? Maybe front squats for more quad emphasis and something else?

Friday- Military Press Day
531 Press
Dips- 5x15
Chinups- 5x10

Saturday- Deadlift Day
531 Deadlift
Also not sure what to do for assistance work here. Guys?

Probably prudent for me to state my starting maxes.
Bench- 345
Press- 210
Squat- 370 (I'm using my estimate from the 315x6 day; whether or not I can squat more is not important, as I will be improving anyway.)
Deadlift- 405

Don't know how long I'll run this program for, but I will obviously give it time. Consistency is key.

Goal: to become a strong motherfucker. No excuses allowed.


  1. GHRs on squat day and lunges on deadlift day might do it for you along Abs and hypers. If you feel like thats not enough, you have more options like deficit deads, snatch grips deads, romanian deads on squat day, and paused or light squats/oly squats/front squats deadlift day instead.

  2. Aaron's suggestions are pretty sound. For assistance on squats/deadlifts, I would focus on the lifts that work your weak points. I haven't seen you lift since last spring, so I don't know where those are.

    The only other suggestion I would give would be to start with 90% of your actual max as your training max, since I believe that that's what Wendler suggests.

  3. Not taking 90% of your max basically misses the point of 5/3/1. The goal is sustained progress, not quick results.

    For your DL, do boring but big assistance...namely 5 sets of 10 at 30-40%. It will familiarize you with the lift and help you figure out your mechanics.

    Actually I would recommend doing this with all the lifts for one cycle as you get used to the program. It's boring yes, but who cares.

  4. Don't make any alterations to the program other than prescribed or allowed alterations until you've run it a couple times. As far as training programs go, prior to switching over to 5/3/1 I was the most consistent lifter in terms of programming on this blog. I was on GVT for over a year and it gradually morphed over time. IF you can, I would recommend taking a look back at some of my old posts. This is the type of arc that I feel a program should take. But the changes should be gradual and always as controlled as possible.

  5. thanks, i think i will just do boring but big for at least a month. and of course, i need to take 90% of the maxes i posted.

  6. -- "Super close grip bench (hands 4" from each other)": I strongly urge you to avoid this kind of presses. To much stress on your wrists and shoulders. Try (normal) close-grip press instead.

    -- If your form on squats and deadlifts is good (nothing is ever perfect, so "good" is good enough), I would pick assistance exercises that work on the weak parts of your lift. For 99% of the population, this means something that works the bottom part of your squat (i.e., out of the hole) and breaking the bar from the floor on deadlifts.

    -- If your form is relatively crappy, maybe just do more squats and deadlifts, like Shanker suggested. However, I don't know if lifting at 30%-40% makes sense; this is way too light for any practical purpose.

  7. 30-40% is the intensity that Wendler says to use for "Boring but Big." Whether or not this is useful is debatable. But again there is a common sense factor here, if you try 5 sets of 10 at 30-40% as assistance and it feels like nothing, well jack it up a little bit, maybe slightly <50%. Main point here is, try it as prescribed, alter where necessary keeping in mind that this is "just" assistance work.
