Saturday, October 23, 2010

Frank (10/23): Deadlift, Intensity 1

5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455, 1x495, 1x545
3x560 @ 10
3x560 @ 11
3x560 @ 11
These completely destroyed me. I kind of hitched the very last rep. I also need to start doing grip work, since I can feel the bar sliding down my fingers at the top of the lift, which is making me leave a few pounds on the bar.

Pause Squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
1x365 @ F
3x335 @ 10
3x335 @ 10
3x335 @ 10
I was stupid and didn't look up what a reasonable pause squat weight was, so I guessed that ~90% of my 3RM squat would be appropriate. That turned out not to be the case, so I lowered the weight. It was still pretty tough.

Front Squat: 4x8 @ 205
Ab Pulldown: 3x15 @ 190


  1. I thought he meant calluses...

  2. What's the point of using RPE's if
    a)the scale keeps changing
    b)you don't abide by the fatigue stops
    might as well just say, "this was really hard."

  3. nevertheless, excellent job. not trying to be overly critical.

  4. @Nate: Yes, I guess that's what I meant. My bad.

    @Shanker:a) How is the scale changing?
    b) This is not strictly necessary, since RPEs can also be used to log progress, which is exactly how I'm using them.
    And that's what 11 means.


  5. -- What Nate said (first sentence; not eligible to correct English mistakes).

    -- I think that for pause squats, 75% of your 3RM (when trying triples) is a good starting point. But I'm not that good at pause squats, so maybe this is an underestimate.

    -- I'm also sometimes using an RPE of 11. This way, 10 means "no more reps left", and 11 means "if there was even one more gram on the last rep, I wouldn't have made it". There is a difference between these scenarios.
