Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aaron (10/13)

Un-belted Overhead Press: 160lbs x3reps x3 sets @10
Ab roll-out: 6,5,3 half standing + 2 from knees @10
Paused Bench Press: 185lbs x5 reps x2 sets, x4 reps @10
Paused Lateral Raises: 20lb DBs x8 reps x2 sets, x6 reps @9
rotator cuff work

In case I get confused down the road, the previous sessions were all the same format (paused lateral raises, unbelted press, push-jerked press, etc.)

Press was really hard, I almost failed on the 2nd set, and I had a horrible lay back on the last rep of the last set which popped my back a bit (nothing serious, just like a stretching pop of bones). I varied my grip a bit because I couldn't find my original one, but that doesn't matter too much, the bars at the gym keep switching stations, and are always being used.

Ab rollouts sucked, I'm feeling my "upper abs" on the last part of the motion, so only when I'm on my knees. My stomach still feels like its going to rip apart. I have to hold my glutes tighter to keep my spine from bending in.

Bench was freaking hard too. I called it on rep 4. On the 2nd set my grip was sliding out b/c I didn't use chalk, so I used it on set 3. I didn't have a lift off either, I should get one.

Paused lateral raises were funky. I paused, but the dumbbells moved down like 4in and then stopped, either way I was tired at this point.

I feel like crap, I had 7 hours of sleep and a 90min nap before my session. I was on the massing version of the Warrior Diet for the last three days, and that might be why I feel like crap. I don't think the WD is for me just yet. I lack the BCAAs and the fat to do it. After reading IA's article on how skinny guys gain a bit of fat and freak out, I decided that was me. The last 3 or 4 days on the WD I got a glimpse of my abs back, and realized I wasn't really getting fat. I'm 19, naturally skinny, and active (I walk around campus and work in a machine shop all the damn time). I'm not going to get fat anytime soon. Bring on the Pb&J. When I get a bit fat off that then I might do the WD. I'm just going to eat a bit more carbs and eat 3x a day to save time.

Its close to the end of my current cycle (unless I choose to extend it), and, like I said I'm damn tired. I've just started dreading the gym today. There is two reasons I can think of:
1. My training is too intense (for me at least), which means I have to have more RPE's @8 or 9s
2. Or, move the assistance reps to 3x8s instead of 3x5s
3. My movements are "stale" and I need to switch it up
4. I need to eat more
5. All the above

I also want to incorporate power exercises in my program, since I like the idea of being "athletic" and the ultimate goal is also to be a heavyweight fighter. I don't exactly know how I'm going to do that yet. I'll probably start by building my work capacity up with GPP, and then when I'm more advanced in my programming I'll start programming in explosive stuff either in the form of oly lifts or plyos or both. I like the idea of split jerks because it seems they are a good idea for increasing punching power, and they're fun.

Deload week here I come!

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