Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aaron (10/11)

Belted Deadlifts: 395lbs x5 reps x3 sets @9
Pull-ups/Neutral Grip: 70lbs x3 reps x3 sets @10
Un-belted Paused Oly squats: 195lbs x5 reps x2 sets, 200lbs x5 reps @8
Plate pinches: 4 plates x10s, 3 plates x30s x2 sets, 4 plate fails x2 @10
DB rows: 100lbs x5 reps x3 sets @9

Deads were two sets of double overhand, then 4 reps of hook, then last rep held with dbl overhand until failure.

The ROM on pull-ups was pretty bad, so i switched to neutral to try and correct it. It seems ROM is going to be hard when there is 70lbs hanging down...I don't really know what to do. I'm going to keep adding weight and as long as I get my chin close I'm going to count it for 3 sets, then I'll add a fourth wider grip set of pull-ups and focus on making it good form. I'll still use weight on this fourth set, but I will focus on intense quality.

Paused squat were kind of easy. the bar would bounce off my back as I shot up, it was only the one bastard sticking point that plagues me. So I upped the weight. It was fine.

Plate pinches are sort of suffering, but I'll see what I can do. I may have to bite the bullet and do two handed on a bar. I just didn't want to set it up in a rack.

Rows were decent, all done under tension.

Looking forward for a 405lb 3x5 on deads.

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