Thursday, October 21, 2010

JC (10/21)- Military Press Max (Attempt)

Yeah, I couldn't make a PR. Fail.

Military press-
45x8, 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 185x1, 200x1
170x8 (Veins on forehead formed a nice bulging V as I repped out the last one; felt like passing out.) This translates to exactly a 210 1RM using the rep max calculator, which is exactly my previous max. Could I have gassed out in the warm ups? Maybe, but I don't care. I don't plan to make up an excuse for this pathetic failure.

I ADMIT TO EVERYONE THAT I HAD A SHITTY PROGRAM. So I made gains on RSP once, but combining it with my own shit was a terrible idea. Net gains in this cycle- a mere 5lbs.

I'm going to stop dicking around and really focus on getting stronger. No more eating crap, no more hand-wavy bullshit- I just want to be consistent with my gains.

I said I was going to give 5/3/1 a shot. I've read through the entire manual, and I like the "Triumvirate" version best. I am open to ideas, suggestions, critiques, and also criticisms for being a dumbass, etc.


  1. My squats and deads went up on 531, but my bench didn't really move. I feel like if I were to run it again I would punt the military day altogether or do something to increase bench frequency.

  2. hahaha, oh man JC, this is awesome. Not the shitty cycle but the way youre approaching your training now. 5/3/1 is a program with good fundamentals. I'm sure you'll make a shit ton of progress in no time. Figure out what works for you by making small changes one at a time. Maybe dips are the best assistance for your bench (it is for me), maybe board presses are. Try one for a cycle, then try the other. The less you change at one time, the more you can figure out. It's basically just trial and error and remaining patient.

    When he started training on 5/3/1 Wendler set a goal of strict overhead pressing 300 lbs. After a few months, he finally got there and someone asked him what his goal was now. His answer: "305."

    Anyway, you're strong as hell, and as long as you attack your training with the attitude you just described, I'm sure you'll be even stronger very soon.

    It's not about saying "I told you so" or any of that crap. We've all been there and that's why we keep harping on things like consistency and simplification. You shouldve seen what Rene and I were doing in '07 before Danny and Nate came along. It's hilarious to look back on. Anyway. Good for you. Go get 'em.

  3. hmmm....that's a very good point. I would take anything Justin says pretty seriously, as he is quite similar in build and breakdown to you, JC. Also he started 5/3/1 in a similar spot in his training. If you get a chance to pick his brain I strongly encourage you to do so.

  4. Just do it and see what happens. Maybe add in cardio? Lift 3x/week with 2x/week of hill sprints or lift 4x/week with 1x/week of hill sprints. Eat some veggies.

  5. Heh, I knew he would come around eventually.

    5/3/1's a good program. Not much more to add, except don't dick around with it too much until you've run it a few times.

  6. JC, I haven't really followed your recent routine, but if you feel that the overall approach wasn't working for you, then trying 5-3-1 is a good idea. It's not worse or better than any other program you can try at the moment. Anything reasonable you stick to will produce good gains.

    That being said, your bench press seems relatively strong, so I wouldn't expect to keep making rapid progress in this direction, unless you were meant to be a greater bencher (who knows?). On the other hand, there are still huge gains to be made in squats and deadlifts.

  7. Thanks to everyone, I really appreciate the motivation you guys give me.
