Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chris - 10/19

Something that's not TM-Volume

Treadmill hamster running: 1.7 miles
Don't ask... I wanted to hammer out something for my algorithms class and I couldn't think, so I tried clearing up my mind with some exercise.

Several hours later...

Squat (belted):
45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3; 225x2; 275x1
295x5; 295x5; 295x5
It's been a while since I've touched any remotely heavy weight. Felt challenging.

Bench Press:
45x5; 76x5; 106x4; 126x3; 138x2; 149x1
158x5; 158x5; 158x5; 158x5; 158x5
It turns out a pair of clips weigh 1lb in total, and the collars (as suspected) weigh 1lb a piece. I also couldn't find any 5s and had to make do with a pair of 5.5lb'ers instead. First three sets done with a one-second pause at bottom.

Snatch (weights in lb):
55x5; 55x5; 66x3; 66x2;
75x3; 86x3; 95x3; 95x3; 101x3
It really helps to practice snatch-grip deadlift and hang snatch and then just paste one after the other in the real thing. Also keeping back arched, shoulders drawn back, grip so that the bar doesn't fall on my head, etc. It's a tricky lift.

Hanging Windshield Wipers:
10 (knees tucked); 5 (knees straight); 10 (knees tucked)
Random ab work go!

At this point I'm probably just dicking around. It's not my elbows anymore so much as this odd pain where my bicep meets my shoulder... WTF? Please yell at me if I'm being a gigantic pussy and need to start training heavier again.


  1. I actually also use lifting to clear my mind. It's quite useful that way. Running works too.

    As for your shoulder, whether or not you're a pussy depends on the kind of pain, and I can't tell that form here. Does it feel like a muscle or joint thing?

    I'd start listing the stretches you're doing here so that others can comment a well. I'm not great on upper body stretches.

  2. If it doesn't hurt when you lift, I thinks it fine. It sounds like you need to add in some curls to get your broceps in order.
