Thursday, September 30, 2010

JC (09/29)- RSP Day 2/Lower 2

Oly squat-
45x8, 135x5, 185x5, 225x4, 275x3
Work set-
315- 6x3
Ouch. Trying to perfect bounce from hole.

Chin ups-

Ab pulldown-
190- 3x15


  1. JC -- Is your competition squat actually an olympic squat? By "competition SQ\BP\DL" I mean whatever form you are using in a meet. If this is the case, there is probably not need to mention that it's an olympic squat. Frank (and maybe other people) are explicitly writing "olympic" because their competition form is a power squat (LB, wider stance, more sit-back, more torso angle).
