Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chris - 9/28

TM - Volume and WTFness

Squat (belted):
45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3; 225x2; 275x1
310x5; 310x5; 310x5; 310x5
Took off one set due to sleep deprivation... Felt fairly easy regardless.

Bench Press:
45x5; 70x5; 95x4; 120x3; 140x2; 160x1
170x5; 170x5; 170x5; 170x5
These felt really easy! It's a shame they caused my elbow to start aching like no other.

Power Clean (weights in lbs):
55x3; 75x3; 95x3; 115x2; 135x1; 155x1
I nearly passed out after almost racking 155 on my sternum instead of my shoulders, so I called it quits here.

My right elbow hurts like no other. I suspect overuse injury or tendonitis. I did some full cleans today (9/29) to see if it'd gotten any better. It hasn't, so fuck it, I'm deloading this week. Probably stick to conditioning work (sprints) and stretching. I'll pick up a weight on Tuesday and see how that treats me.


  1. You press three times a week, thats hard on your gunz. Squatting low bar and keeping tight doesn't really help them either. I've never really had shoulder pain, but then again the most I've really ever pressed in a week was twice.

  2. Didn't you just deload? If you did and still feel like crap, it's probably other stuff in your life that's the problem (school work, relationships, whatever), and more deloading may not help.

  3. Every part of me except my right elbow feels fine. I could easily have done 310x5x5 squat and 170x5x5 bench if it weren't for my elbow flaring up and making my life miserable, so I'm thinking it's some sort of injury I should pay more attention to.
