Monday, August 2, 2010

JC (08/02)- RSP Day 10

As I hinted at in my previous post, I decided to leave out military press on my RSP days.

So, first day of intensity! Also, weight after workout was 218.5.

Back squat-
45x10, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2
Work set-
305- 5x5 (Belted)
Um, moderately easy. I go way below parallel (basically ATG), so that's really where the difficulty kicks in. I realize powerlifters go to parallel in competitions, but I do ATG squats in the hopes that I'll do Oly lifting someday.

Bench Press-
45x8, 135x5, 185x3, 225x2
Work set-
275- 5x5
Again, pretty easy. Just 3 weeks ago 6x2 @265 was extremely hard. Also, 1x5@275 was a PR for me a couple of months ago. Something must be working...

Weighted pull-ups@35-

Tricep extensions-
45- 2x8

Shoulder shrugs-
115- 2x5
I did these to do some experimenting. Didn't like them. Pretty worthless IMO. Will start doing deadlifts this Friday (gives me time to recuperate on weekends).

Tomorrow is active rest.

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