Monday, August 2, 2010

Frank (8/2): Lockout, Volume 1

Reverse Band Press
Bands took off ~95 at the bottom and ~45 at the top.
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275
4x325 @ 8
4x325 @ 8
4x325 @ 9
4x325 @ 9
4x325 @ 9/10
4x325 @ 9/10
Nate thinks that there's maybe too much tension in the bands. I don't have much experience with bands, but I wouldn't be averse to taking the safety bars down by a notch or two.

Close-Grip Bench
5x135, 5x185
4x225 @ 8
4x225 @ 8
4x225 @ 9
4x225 @ 9
4x225 @ 9/10
4x225 @ 10

Pullups: 4x8 @ 25
Dips: 8, 8, 8, 7 @ 70
I sort of cheated the last two reps on dips.

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