Sunday, August 8, 2010

Frank (8/8): Deload

Back Squat: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x275, 5x315
Deadlift: 5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 5x365, 5x405

I was going to bench, but all the benches were taken, so too bad for me.

Tuesday is my first day of volume again, week 1. I think I'm going to start really light for squats, like 335/385 for 5x5 and a triple. I want at least the first few weeks to be fairly routine, with no risk of failure, plus I'm doing weekly increases anyway, so I'll be pushing it soon enough. For my bench and deadlift, I'll use the weights I used last week (or something very similar).

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