Monday, August 9, 2010

Aaron (8/8)

Belted High Bar Squat: 290lbs x5reps x3 sets
Snatches + Cleans: 65kg x3 reps x5ish sets
Wide Grip pull ups: x5 reps x3 sets
Hammer Curls: 20lbs x10reps
30lbs x10 reps
rotator cuff stuff
plate pinches: 4 5kg plates +25lbs x20s x2 sets
one handed 3 5kg plates x20s
Weight: 198lbs with shoes on after the work out

Squats were really hard, harder than I expected at least. I have to remember to keep my chest
up. Frank caught me almost GMing the weight up. I'm good for another 5lbs until I really have
to grind through. Maybe if I eat a bit more everything will be all better. The oly lifts
were good. I was doing a pseudo power snatch and then an overhead squat, not quite a full snatch,
but almost. I had a feeling I was tail tucking because my back is slightly tweaked. I have to
watch out for that. I decided to do back work on leg days, so I did the pull ups today. They
were alright. A little hard, but good.
I'm starting to like curls. BB curls have a tendency to work my wrist, making it double as
another grip exercise. And I can alternate with reverse and hammer curls for forearm work.
Another reason, is because I find myself using my biceps more and more to move crap. Moving
a table, carrying a bed, gripping a .25in steel plate and carrying it with just biceps because
its too awkward to carry any other way. Biceps are useful, so I'm going to curl away.
I drank coffee beforehand, and I'm starting not to feel bad about it anymore. I noticed my medium
sized belt fits me a little big, so I'm in trouble because the forever I ordered was a large...
Anyone want to give me a miracle stretch to cure my tail tuck besides hammies?


  1. I had luck stretching my hip flexors

  2. Definitely start warming up properly and doing dynamic mobility drills before your workout and stretching and foam rolling after. For dynamic mobility, this has worked for me for the past year or so:

    Dynamic calf stretch
    Leg swings (side-side)
    Leg swings (front-back)
    Hip circles
    Side hurdles
    Fire hydrants (clockwise)
    Fire hydrants (counter-clockwise)

    At least I think those are the right names. You should also check out SquatRx on YouTube for some good guides.

  3. Hey bro, I find that gaining weight has helped in all my lifts. I find that approriate rest is also really helpful.

  4. Thanks, I'm going to try to move a bit higher in the 220 class. Rest is tricky, but it will happen sometime.
