Friday, August 6, 2010

Aaron (8/6)

TNG Bench: 190lbs x5 reps x3 sets
Behind the Neck Military Press: 45lbs x10 reps x4 sets
Lateral Raises: 20lbs x8 reps x3 sets
Chin-ups: +25lbs x8 reps x3 sets
stretching via front squats, low bar squats. thumbless grip
forgot my rotator cuff stuff...

Notes: Unfortunately I drank coffee before today. I hate using stimulants, but if it helps my lifting and I'm not getting hurt, I see no reason to stop. Bench is getting a bit difficult. I might switch to paused benches in September. Good for another 10lbs of progression. Press was just to keep my press strong. Reps were done fast and snappy. Lateral Raises were for pre-hab. Chins were a bit hard. I increased the reps because I felt like shit, and figured my CNS needed a break. I think I have above average genetics, but 3x5's and a week of squatting heavy 3x got to me. Plus, I don't give too much of a crap about chins since I'm a powerlifter, so its okay.

I like stretching via squats...all lifts were done as explosively as possible.

I took into consideration what Danny said about grip work, and for the most part, my grip work will now consist of deads and heavy rows (Kroc or Pendlays). I might add in surgs for the tarps, but mainly to be able to hold a double overhand deadlift.


  1. What's wrong with drinking one or two cups of coffee before workout, assuming it makes some difference? I wouldn't consider this as "using stimulants" (though, technically speaking, it is). On the other hand, if you try things like NO-explode, superpump 250, etc (that contain large amounts of legit stimulants), you should evaluate their effectiveness on a long-term basis. I used this stuff for a few months, only to find out that, except for sweating heavily, I don't get much (or anything) out of it.

  2. I drink Monster on heavy days. I feel it helps a bit.

  3. "Using stimulants", even caffeine and energy drinks, is not a healthy habit. This was made clear to me during frequent recent doctor visits. One told me to "spread the word", so I am. :)

  4. [I'm not a doctor so] I obviously don't know if there are any studies suggesting that proper use of caffeine (or other non-exotic stimulants) for improving sports performance has any long-term effects on healthy individuals. I may be wrong. On the other hand, without being a doctor, my personal experience suggests that using large amounts of stimulants (ever tried 6 scoops of NO-explode?) before every workout can potentially turn you into a zombie within a few weeks.

  5. I'm going to keep with the caffeine for now. After the meet in October, I'll probably get off. I just want the gains to keep coming right now.

  6. After a lot of experimenting, I've determined that I like some form of caffeine before I lift, and hate caffeine before I do cardio.

    I only drink 1 cup of tea per day outside of lifting, so I don't feel caffeine overload with the extra for a workout. It helps give a little mental perk right before I hit the gym.
