Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gordon: 2/2

Squat: 2x3x275 @ 7, 8
Felt slower than usual, leftover fatigue again probably.

Deadlift: 1x5x385 @ 9
Very slow off the ground, then it was ok.

Bench: 3x5x225 @ 9, 9, 10
Paused, heels on plates, had Robert call 'up'. Did 1st set without wrist wraps since I can't use them at the meet.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I'm really looking forward to this meet, especially since we'll both be competing at 181, it looks like. You squat more than I do, our benches are probably within 10lbs of each other, but I deadlift more, so it'll be a fun little competition =D.
