Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Brian - 2/2 Volume Squats and Deadlift and Quals

Warmup - 95x10, 135x5, 135x5, 185x4
Working - 225x4 @8, 225x4 @8, 235x4 @8.5, 235x4 @8.5, 235x4 @9

Starting to be able to find depth on my squats at the heavier weights.

Deficit Deadlift (red + green bumper);
133x4, 158x4, 183x4, 223x4, 243x4, 243x4

Pause Squats (3 count pause);
155x6 @8, 175x6 @8, 195x6 @8.5

PhD Qualification Test;
Warmup - life
Working - Field Exam x1 @10 (PR), Research Exam x1 @8 (PR)

See you guys for another 3-4 years.


  1. Your last PR is arguably one of the most impressive ones of this blog =). Congrats!
