Monday, January 11, 2010

Week of 1/10

So I decided even though my lifting is lame, I'll do weekly updates so people can see how far the might have fallen.

- 1. 1/8/10 - Fri - UPPER ISOLATION
Really tired after not getting much sleep for several days in a row. Decided to do light movements today.
- Cable flies 50x10, 60x10, 70x8x4
- Face pulls 60x10, 80x10x2, 90x10x2
Hard to balance, but 90 was feeling a little more difficult than usual.
- Tricep pressdowns 30x10, 50x10, 80?x8x3
I honestly don't remember what weight this was.
- Lateral/rear dumbbell raises 20x10, 30x10, 35x10x3
- Hammer-grip skull-crushers 85x10, 105x8x3
Bar 35?
- Preacher curl 85x10, 105x8,6,5
Bar 35?
- Basketball 30 mins?
Shootin' hoops until Dee and Jansel are done.
- 2. 1/7/10 - Thu - LOWER, CARDIO
Wearing Holter.
- Cardio/warm-up: basketball 20 mins
- Step-ups 50x5, 75x5, 85x5x4
- Dumbell swings 60x10, 85x10, 100x10x4
- A: Leg extensions stackx15x3
- A: Single-leg hamstring 100x8x3
- Hip abduction stackx15x3
- Abs: crunches 12x3
- 3. 1/6/10 - Wed - RECOVERY CARDIO
- Basketball - HORSE with Dee 30 mins
- 4. 1/5/10 - Tue - UPPER
Weight: 216 (morning).
- Warm-up: basketball (solo)
- Dumbbell military press warm-up, 50x8, 55x8, 60x8?, 65x5,4
Neck/trap area bother me since break, this was uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I'm not impressed with myself.
- Lat pulldown, single-arm 110x5x3
- Push-ups bwx10, bw+deexfail, bw+45x10x3
- Dumbbell shrugs 80x12, 90x12, 100x12
- A: Barbell curls 80x8, 100x8x3
- A: Abs: twisting raises bwx12x3
- 5. 1/4/10 - Mon - LOWER
- Leg press 455x6x4
- Hamstring machine warm-up, 90% stackx8, stackx8x2, 90% stackx8
With full stack, form wasn't so great.
- ???
Did I forget something here?
- A: Abductors stackx15x3
- A: Adductors 100x15x3
I always feel like something is about to tear with these.
- Abs: on lat pulldown 120x8x3
- Dumbbell swings 80x10, 90x10
Awkward with dumbbell bulk, but it will work I suppose.


  1. Note: step-ups are with dumbbells ... so 85 = 170 weight.

  2. Flyes? Pressdowns? Curls? CARDIO?!?!?!

    Also, you forgot wrist curls. For shame.

  3. Don't forget to do a few sets on the grip strength handles.

  4. Is this sheiko? RTS? I'm confused. Stupid remarks aside, I hope that you will be able to train seriously soon.
