Monday, January 11, 2010

Deirdre: heavy skwatting

So Nathan says I'm doing this meet. If I actually want a chance at matching my competition weights from August, I need to train heavy now. Bench is in good shape, I'm not worried about that, but squat and deadlift have been light this off-season. To warm up for a test day on Saturday, I did some heavy triples/doubles.

Warmup: Walking 15-20mins

Back squat: 45x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x3, 175x1+fail, 185xfail, 135x4x4

On the 175 fail, I pretty much gave up too early, that should have been a go.
On the 185 fail, I made it out of the hole and got stuck less than halfway up.
While not the best ever, failing within 10lbs of my competition 1RM on a day where I hadn't prepared well and a time where I haven't been training above 155 in months, is not bad.

Hyperextensions: bwx10, bw+25x10, bw+45x6, bw+45x8, bw+45x10x2?

+45 is finally challenging. I felt this in my upper hamstrings all weekend.

Abs: (Vups+10x10, bicycle crunches +10 x20) x 4

PL aside, I need to start thinking about rugby season. I found some better agility/speed drills for my cardio days, and if I have time closer to the season I may do a circuit training day once a week. We'll see.

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