Monday, January 11, 2010

Results From Last Year's Meet

It sounds like everyone is interested in the Feb 27th AAU "Cabin Fever" meet that Nathan found. I searched around a bit and found a link to last year's results:

Looks like they had a decent amount of people in the RAW powerlifting category. Hopefully they get the same/better turnout so that there will be people to compete against rather than getting the ol' guaranteed-medal-just-for-showing-up + pat on the back.

I'm going to have to consult Danny to translate this document for me though. What are all these small numbers that everyone lifted!?! Must be some strange language I don't quite understand. Kilogram? 1000 grams? Weight of 1 liter of water? That makes WAY less sense than 7000 times the average weight of a grain of wheat or barley on a yearly basis. Get with the times.


  1. Nothing wrong with getting a prize just for showing up....

    *looks at trophies for weightclass I was the only person in*

  2. IMO, powerlifting is as much about competing against yourself as it is about competing against others. If you want, you can always compare yourself against people 1 or 2 weight classes higher =).

    I think it's amusing that 181 had only one competitor, while 165, 198, and 220 all had multiple competitors, though not all were in the same group.

  3. Brian -- don't expect top professional lifters to arrive, they have better meets. If you plan on competing, the main objective is to gain experience and break PRs.

  4. By the way, to convert from kg to lbs you have to multiply by 3.9. So even the female lifters last year are much stronger than you.
