Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Deirdre: 1/11/10

Power Cleans: 40kgx5x4, 50kgx4x3

Warmup sets done in <5mins. This was definitely a good warmup. Need to stop neglecting these.

Bench: 45x5, 65x5, 85x5, 95x5, 105x4, 105x4, 95x5x3

My biceps were feeling sore going into this, and I adjusted my setup to make sure I had heels on the floor. Not the easiest sets ever. Hurr.

DB Shoulder presses: 15sx10, 25sx8, 30sx8, 30sx7, 30sx6

Decline bench catch-toss medicine ball: 15lb ballx3tosses+fail, 5lbx20+tossesx3

Oh my quads and core. Good stuff.

A: Cable flies: 30sx10, 40sx8x3
A: Hammer curls to press: 20sx8x4?

Satisfying day.

1 comment:

  1. Are you following an actual powerlifting program to prepare for the meet?
