Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Patrick: 1/12/2010 Max Squat

Warmup: 3x135, 3x135, 3x185, 2x225
Working: 1x245, 1x255 (PR), Failx265

The 265 attempts felt very close, but I guess weren't quite there today.

Rack pulls:
3x135, 3x225, 1x315, 1x405 (PR), Failx435

I'm very pleased with my improvement on both of these lifts. Guess I just have to keep at it.


  1. Nicely done. The four of you put up some nice PRs today. And, since Rene probably isn't going to post, good job to him too =).

  2. Looked awesome last night. Pat's squat form is perfect these days, and never breaks down even during heavy sets.

  3. One comment about form: why do you guys look up when you squat? That is something Rippetoe specifically says *not* to do, and you rarely ever see the advanced PL guys doing it either.

  4. Hmm, I guess I'll have to start looking out for excessive looking up during the volume sets. Thanks Frank.
