Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Frank (1/12): RTS Volume, Squats

Back Squat
4x345 @ 9
4x345 @ 9
4x345 @ 9
4x345 @ 10
4x345 @ 10
4x345 @ 10
I am confused. RTS says to do 5x5 @ 77-80% and 6x4 @ 80-85%. If I use the upper range (80%, 85%), my 5x5@335 last week indicates 356 this week, which is clearly way too much for me. If I use the lower range (77%, 80%), then I should supposedly do 348, closer, but still tough.

Anyway, none of these sets felt particularly good. I was a little iffy on depth (IPA or AAU legal, but probably not IPF/USAPL legal), and I wasn't getting good hip drive like I was last week. I also cinched my belt way too tight on the third set as an experiment, which was not a good idea.

Deficit Deadlifts (~4.5")
4x430 @ 9
4x430 @ 9
4x430 @ 9
4x430 @ 9
4x430 @ 10
4x430 @ 10
Some bad rounding since I get a little lazy when I think that nobody's watching.

Ab Rollout: 4, 4, 6
On the last set, I figured I might as well go all the way.

Not a great workout, but at least I hit all of my reps. I also need to figure out what's taking me so long at the gym. I was there for almost 2:30 today, which is much longer than I would like. For my 6x3 next week, I think I'll just stick with these weights, since I think I'm doing much higher intensity in my volume block than I should be doing.

Not that I don't like hanging out with you guys, but still...


  1. What's the difference between IPA/AAU legal and IPF/USAPL legal?

    I mentioned to Kik today off to the side during one of your sets that I thought they were a little bit high (for the way we are measuring) and he said something about different orgs measuring differently, but I didn't ask for more clarification at the time.

  2. IPF/USAPL are super-strict. Most of the time in training, we try to go for that depth because they're the gold-standard. The other feds are much less strict, with IPA passing almost anything that looks about right (as far as I've heard).

  3. I may have measured incorrectly- I tried being as accurate as possible.

  4. Alright, folks... AAU is a legit fed. They are closer to IPF than IPA. That is all.
