Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gordon: 1/12 Back from vacation

Hey yall I'm back from sunny California ;_; I'm gonna post regularly from now on, since I currently can't find my notebook that has my training from the past year, and realized it's a good idea to have a back up log for my training.

I'm now at 178lbs, after 3 weeks of Gold's Gym and lots of home cooking. I'm going back to the novice program from Starting Strength, since I realized my best progress/weight gain was on a program even simpler than the Texas Method that I've been doing. I will try this for a few months and see how it goes. I'm also going to try to put RPEs for exercises since they seem to help the others.

Squat: 2x5x275 @ 7
SS novice has 2 heavy 3x5 squat days and 1 light squat day per week. Today was a light day.

Press: 3x5x145 @ 9

Deadlift, sumo: 1x5x345 @ 8
Resetted, since I've only pulled heavy twice in the past month.

Power clean: 5x3x60kg @ 9
Gonna start doing these again as part of SS.


  1. Novice as in increasing weight each training session? That's ambitious. Are you sure it will still work for you? There's a reason that novice/intermediate/advanced programs are designed the way they are. I, for one, can no longer progress session-to-session, though week-to-week improvements are still within my grasp (kinda).

  2. I will try novice progression for a bit and see. I think when I stalled on it before it was also when I stopped eating enough to gain weight. I want to try this again, while upping my food.

  3. Hey Gordon,
    welcome back man. Are you planning on competing in February's meet?

  4. It's good to be back :D And yes, I am definitely competing in February's meet.

  5. Nice, man! I'm so looking forward to it!
