Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brian - Max Squat Singles (1/12)

Squats w/ Gordon's Belt;
Warmup - 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 135x3, 135x3
Working - 185x2 @7, 225x1 @8, 255x1 @8.5, 275x1 @10 (+10PR), 285xfail, 285x1 @10, 285xfail

Warmups were interesting today. For some reason my hips were so tight that I actually couldn't go deep enough in a squat no matter how hard I tried. I took a ton of time to stretch and warm up. After I put on a bunch of weight (185+) that problem didn't exist anymore. 275 set was wayyyyyy too deep causing me to grind a bunch more than I needed to, but Pat said my form stayed true and no knee buckling in at all. First attempt at 285 I went way too deep again, but this time too much weight to be able to pull that off. Second attempt I decided to try and hit parallel and I cut it a little bit high, so I guess I can't count it :(

It seems I'm now having a problem finding parallel on the really heavy sets. I typically go a good bit below parallel and I need to stop that, especially on max attempts. Not sure a good strategy other than doing lots of at-depth sets during volume training and then hope it translates to the heavy sets.

Either way, a very satisfying day. 285 didn't "feel" heavy when I walked out which makes me optimistic, and getting one rep even if it's a little bit high makes me confident that I can hit my 300lb squat goal for the competition.

135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 405x1, 505xfailxbackfriedxgohomeandeatfood

Also, I don't know if Kik will post because he sucks, but he finally got the 405lb squat monkey off his back last night. That's a huge monkey btw. And he crushed it. I think he could have had 410 or even 415 but he refuses to speculate with me or end the day by being crushed under the bar. Kudos.

One last thing. I'm bringing a tape measure to the gym on thursday. Kik claims he's 6'1.5" and I claim to be 5'11.5", yet if we stand back to back we are literally the same height. Shanker also claims to be 5'11" yet I can see over his head. This must be solved.