Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Justin 5/3/1 (tentatively)

I tried to go into these football workouts with an open mind, but Danny is right. I feel like a ballerina. So, I'm going to speak to the coach about it soon, but for now, I'm back on 5/3/1



Band Assisted GHR's 3x6
Lunges 3x12 w/ 90
Weighted Decline Situps 3x12 w/ 25

Wrapped up with some foam rolling.


  1. Sounds good. You're a naturally strong guy, but that program the coach put you on seemed pretty worthless to me...

  2. Yeah...unfortunately the coach didn't budge. I spoke with him today and he gave me the whole "I've been doing this for 16 years..." speech. He also said that being a good football player (and his program) is about athleticism, not strength. I couldn't disagree more. The D1 guys who get drafted every year are putting up insane numbers, 400-500 lb benches and 600 lb squats. I guess my only option is to do any big lift work before going to the team lifts, but I don't want to be in a constant state of over-trained. Ideas?

  3. The football routine won't get you into overtraining, but real lifting needs to be added in a smart way. My suggestion is to start with only volume work, like ...
    -- 3-4 workouts per week (2 upper, 2 lower)
    -- 6-8 working sets per workout (main lifts)
    -- 5 reps @ 8
    This looks like a basic routine, that won't interfere much with football. Then you can add short intensity blocks in vacations / breaks / ... And when it's not football season (meaning 75% of the time anyway), you can do standard powerlifing.

  4. It's not the regular season now, so you are saying that I wouldn't risk overtraining by sticking to what I had been doing in addition to doing what the coach requires?

  5. I doubt it. I don't quite remember what your other workout entailed (remember to tag your posts!), but the movements seemed more like warmups to me. Split them before/after your main workout depending on how fatiguing they are (i.e. inverted rows before, bosu-ball squats after).

  6. The workouts are pretty fatiguing for no other reason than a bunch of things are supersetted together and I'm not really regulating intensity because I want to get noticed so I get a starting spot in the fall. I can't really split them up because we do them all together at once. I think I'll just go in on different days or the morning of, and keep pounding away at 5/3/1. Thanks guys!
