Thursday, January 14, 2010

Frank (1/14): RTS Volume, Bench

Bench Press
4x240 @ 8
4x240 @ 9
4x240 @ 9
4x240 @ 10
4x240 @ 10
3x240 @ 10
1x240 @ 8 (just cuz)
Arrrrrgh. I missed the very last rep again. Very annoying. I got some good leg drive in the first rep or two of each set, but found my back sliding up on the last few. I'm not sure I have the "push the bar toward your head" motion down either.

Bench Press, Speed Workups

Wow. I failed 255.

Cable Row: 4x8@200
Military Press: 4x6@145

Not a great session. Nate says my upper body is overtrained. I suppose this is possible, since I was training quite heavy even over the holidays -- 4 heavy training days over 3 weeks or so, with no full week off. I suppose another indication might be that I was really sore after my first real squat session of the year but was fine after the first real bench session.

In light of this, here's my plan for the weeks up until the meet. Since my first session of the year was on a Tuesday, I will count the beginning of weeks from Mondays. This also allows me to train relatively heavy on the weekend before the meet, which is what people generally suggest. I will still be following the RTS template.

(1/11): 6x4 volume. Deload bench (skip Sunday)
(1/18): 6x3 volume with 1/11 weights. Deload bench
(1/25): 6x4 volume with 1/18 weights + 5 or so on main lifts
(2/1): 3x3 intensity (RPE 9)
(2/8): 4x2 intensity (RPE 9)
(2/15): 4x2 intensity (RPE 9-10)
(2/22): Nothing. Rest for the meet on 2/27.

My openers will be the weights from 2/8, maybe 2/1 if I'm feeling particularly lousy. I won't pick actual weights until the week I plan to lift, but I'm guessing 385/275/505 or so.


  1. Training heavy over the holidays is probably a helluva lot better than sitting on your ass over the holidays (SEE: ME).

    Also do you mean 4 heavy days/week over those three weeks or 4 heavy days total over the 3 weeks?

  2. That depends. For a novice, a wasted day is wasted progress. For someone who needs more than one workout to recover, too much training can actually lead to decreased performance.

    I was still training roughly 4 days per week, but those were two heavy upper body days and two light lower body days because I didn't have enough weight to do heavy lower-body work.
