Friday, January 15, 2010

Brian - Max Bench Singles

Warmup - 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 160x2,
Working - 185x1 @7, 210x1 @8, 235xfailx3, 225x1 @10

Previous PR was 230 so I was trying to hit 235 and it was definitely within reach. I'm getting it off my chest quickly after the pause and I get stuck about 6 inches off my chest. Seems like a tricep fail except...

Close Grip Bench w/ Large Pad;
Warmup - 185x3
Working - 225x1 @8, 245x1 @9, 255xfail, 255x1 @10 (5lb PR)

I think my tricep strength is good. Shanker thinks it must be some sort of transition thing (he pointed out front deltoids).

Either way I felt this cycle I wasn't going to make any movement in my bench performance due to having a bunch of bad days with elbow pain then missing days at the end for volunteering and vacation nonsense. I'm going to really focus on my bench this volume cycle. I think 240 is still within reach for the competition.

Military Press;
95x10 (elbows out), elbows in: 65x8, 85x8, 105x7


  1. I don't know what your ROM in bench press is, but it seems like 6in is less than half way up (?). So this is not a lockout problem. Assuming that form and everything else is ok, maybe you are not strong enough at the bottom, and maybe not gaining enough speed to reach the lockout phase.

  2. Given the number of trainings that you missed, significant improvements were not likely this cycle. No problem, we will soon start the next. I think that after your great improvements, we now need to further work on technique and learning the movement. We should meet soon and discuss the next couple weeks.

    I also observed that your max attempts were done with a competition-valid pause; henceforth, they are not comparable to your old max.

    And somehow I doubt that any of us has his bench at a point where we need to worry about single parts of the lift. We just need to improve form and speed.
