Friday, January 15, 2010

Gordon: 1/14

Squat: 3x5x345 @ 9
I tried to change my form slightly following Rippetoe's advice proxied through Robert, by having my stance a couple inches narrower and toes pointed out more (~20
° from toes straight forward -> 40°). This put more strain on my adductors but made hitting depth and coming out of the hole easier. I will try this form for a few weeks and see if I like it better.

Bench: 3x5x205 @ 9
Paused. Developed a tendency to raise head off bench to look at where bar is hitting, gotta stop it.

Chin ups: 10, 8, 7 unweighted

1 comment:

  1. You should keep moving the head, it will make you bomb out on bench, so you can avoid the pulls. In the end, people will just see your impressive squats.
