Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shanker 12/17: GVT3 Upper 1 Cycle 4

Jog 0.6 miles
Dynamic stretching

Bench Press (2-3 min. btwn working sets, links to videos)
1) 135x10
2) 155x6
3) 185x4
4) 225x2
5) 225x2
6) 225x2
7) 225x2
8) 225x1.75 (leetle bit of help from Gordon)
9) 225x2
10) 225x1

Called an audible since its been about 6 days since I last did upper 1. Normally GVT only goes down to 3 reps/set, but I was feeling ambitious so I decided to try 7 sets of doubles at a 4% increase from my previous workout (215 to 225). Kept the pace up pretty well and it felt very good. My tris were quite sore by the 5th set so I'll definitely take some time off before benching again. At least a week or so. Any form thoughts? Hopefully this looks something like the form you wanted me to achieve 4 months ago Danny. It's a shame it really didn't click for me until after you left.

DB Row (90-120 sec btwn sets, wrist wrap but otherwise no assistance)
1) 110x20
2) 110x20
3) 110x20
4) 110x20
5) 110x20

Can I move up to 120's now Danny?

Standing Military
1) 107.5x5
2) 107.5x5
3) 107.5x5
4) 107.5x3
5) 107.5x5

1) BWx10
2) BWx10
3) BWx10
4) BWx8

Russian Barbell Twist 25x17
Russian Seated Twist 25x22
Lying Leg Raise + Reverse Crunch BWx24
Hanging Windshield Wiper BWx3 (grip too weak)
Kneeling Cable Crunch 190x24


  1. Looking good man, you'll be hitting 3 plates in no time.

  2. -- Yes, form looks very nice right now (at least from what I can see), but maybe try to slide your feet more forward by a few inches.

    -- I'm guessing there is a reason that GVT goes as low as 3 reps and that's it. What you were doing is doubles with near-maximal weight (90%?), meaning that it's a max effort workout, and not volume training. But no one said that there is anything wrong with adding this week at the end of a cycle, especially if you feel strong. But in this case, I suggest to decrease the number of sets: 3 is good, and 4 is more than enough.

    -- Yes, now it's a good time to start using the 120s for DB rows. You will probably get 12+ reps (for 5 sets). Earlier this week I said that 100 x 100 is possible, but this was a false claim (right: 91, left: 75ish).
