Thursday, December 17, 2009

Frank (12/17): At Home

A few years ago I convinced my parents to buy a power rack, a bench, and a 300lb weight set, but when I got home, I found out that the power rack was unusable (long story), which means that I'm confined to just the 300lbs and the floor. Better than nothing, I guess, but it does mean no back squats or bench presses. It is nice to be able to train without my shirt though ^_^ (nothing like a little vanity to make my day...).

Here's what passed for the "bench" workout today.

Floor Press
5x235 @ 8
5x235 @ 9
5x235 @ 9
5x235 @ 10
5x235 @ 10
This will serve as my primary pressing movement. Since I have no rack, I had to glute-thrust the bar upward then rotate it until it was above my chest. Not comfortable at all. I probably should have gone much lighter.

Military Press: 5x5@135
These were actually kind of tough, probably because my triceps and shoulders were fried from floor presses because of the way I had to maneuver the bar into position.

Barbell Row: 5x5@205
Kept these light.

Pullups: 3x8@50

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the shirtless workouts lol.
    I leave in 5 hours- hopefully I'll be able to hit the gym back in Miami. Going to start working on front squats/overhead squats, etc. Enjoy the holidays bro.
